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UI / UX Design is taught through Coursera by CalArts, in this post I compile some super-summarized results that I achieved on each course.
LoyalTector / Final project
A phone app to detect lies for groups of friends in free time.
"Without loyalty, trust was never being so much fun..."
When you open the app, you will be able to press the Scan Now button. Now you can enter the question and then you must immediately put the evaluated person's finger. The question will be revealed and the examinee must read it. Completed! wait for the results and have fun.
Bait / Final project
A platform to auction like a streamer. The best experience for bidders, who can interact with each other in a live chat.
Mapping Content
Interactive: https://marvelapp.com/prototype/14iajcce
Sr. Pulpo! / Final project - Part 1
Pitch: In Sr. Pulpo you will find the best seafood and freshest fish. Enjoy your holidays on a sunny beach and with free parking! You can also enjoy the private pool if you join one of our memberships.
Sr. Pulpo! / Final project - Part 2
I really enjoyed it! I'm not a designer, but as a professional front-end developer I made the most of it. Of course, this will help me on my career path. Highly recommended, it has the necessary foundations to have better developer / designer communication.