Enero 23, 2021

2 minutos de lectura


πŸ’‘ Idea

You are an expert in your own problems, it is easy for you to find a solution. The problem is that we are all similar and we probably have the same ideas.

Engaging in crazy random experiences will make you find original solutions.

Original ideas are more successful.

Tracking ideas helps to find them when they are needed. Deciding to carry out an idea can take time.


Concept -> Promising -> Building

Controversial but... do everything yourself.

πŸ›  Build

Before starting this step, see if your idea already exists. In case it exists it means that there is a market which can use your product, otherwise it means that there is not a good enough product and that you can build a better one.

Traditional learning is slow. Autonomous learning, on the other hand, can help you build an idea faster.

To build a prototype, a month of development is enough. You need to validate the idea before spending too much time on it.

πŸš€ Launch

Launch is the most important step. Here it is validated if the product is useful and monetizable.

Making an indirect introduction of the product in forums can attract the attention of users. If you can empathize, you can present it directly.

Keep in mind that it has to be a forum in your specific niche.

  • Product Hunt
  • Hacker News
  • Reddit

🌱 Grow

When growing it is better to focus on an organic growth. This means that it should grow naturally, not force acceptance of the product like buying traffic.

Controlling the number of users is important for feedback.

Putting a comment box can help users and generate more empathy. In addition they can participate in the construction and growth of the product.

To keep growing it is good to keep launching, like new features every 2-3 months.

πŸ’° Monetize

One way to validate the product is to know that people want to buy it.

You can have a product that grows and is great, but if it does not generate money then it is not validated.

Many criticize that a product is not free, as are many products from big companies. But ignore them, you should charge for what you do.

Most apps do not make their profits from their main product but from their side products.

Subscriptions make more money, it is something to consider when monetizing.

πŸ€– Automate

You can hire people to do repetitive things, but using robots can be more productive and economical.

But it is necessary that someone is aware of the correct robots operation, if it is not you maybe someone else.

πŸšͺ Exit

It is a way of saying that the platform is ready for buyers. Look for serious buyers and offer excessive prices. Price control must be on your side.

The price must be calculated based on the growth of the product and how much you are willing to leave it.